HVSR Depth to Bedrock Mapping
TROMINO® has gained widespread popularity in the geological and geotechnical fields for its exceptional ability to quickly and easily map bedrock depth using the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR). The device is compact and easy enough to use that anyone can perform these tests themselves in about 20 minutes, saving significant costs when compared to drilling or trenching.
Seismic Microzonation
Mapping the subsoil resonance frequencies (H/V technique)
Vs profiles from constrained H/V curve modelling
Modelling the H/V curves to obtain shear wave velocity profiles (Vs) in the presence of independent constraints.
Vs/Vp profiles from MASW or seismic refraction with a single receiver + radio trigger
Performing MASW or seismic refraction surveys with just one TROMINO® and no connecting cables!
Passive seismic stratigraphy. Bedrock mapping
Creating passive seismic imaging of the subsoil.
Seismic arrays
Performing active/passive multichannel surveys (SASW, MASW, refraction seismics, ReMiTM, ESAC, SPAC, FTAN, SSAP, etc.) by exploiting the built-in radio/GPS synchronization modules.
Description and Specifications
TROMINO® is a small (1 dm3, < 1 kg) all-in-one instrument, equipped with:
- 3 velocimetric channels (adjustable dynamic range)
- 3 accelerometric channels
- 1 analog channel
- GPS receiver
- built-in radio transmitter/receiver (for synchronization among different units)
- radio triggering system (for MASW surveys and similar)
TROMINO® works in the [0.1, 1024] Hz range and is powered by 2 AA (1.5 V) batteries only!
TROMINO® was specifically conceived and designed for the dynamic characterization of subsoils with the highest accuracy and the lowest effort. Very small in size and low in power consumption, it also operates in array configuration through an exclusive radio communication system. The electronics and mechanics behind TROMINO® are continuing to evolve, following the latest technological advancements. The newest versions, with augmented dynamics and sensitivity, permit outstanding signal-to-noise ratios even at the low frequencies of seismological interest.
TROMINO®, originally conceived for the dynamic characterization of subsoils, has been increasingly used for the operational modal analysis of structures to such an extent that this has become its primary application over the years. TROMINO® has been used on the most iconic structures worldwide, such as the Eiffel tower, the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, the Shanghai tower, the leaning tower of Pisa and many more.
The exclusive radio communication system among several units, the total lack of cables and external batteries, the light weights and small sizes, make working with networks of TROMINO® a unique experience.
Structural health and site analyses are of critical importance to safety and longevity in civil engineering applications.
With a single TROMINO® the user can perform the following analyses
Modal frequencies and damping of structures
With several (min. 2) TROMINO® units
Full operational modal analysis (modal frequencies, shape and damping) of structures.
Validation of structural models
TROMINO® provides the key parameters to tune and constrain numerical models of structures.
Vibration analysis and monitoring
Analysis of strong vibrations, potentially damaging for the structures, according to European norms (UNI9916, DIN4150).
Soil-Structure interaction
Detection of soil and structure resonance frequencies, soil-structure interaction (rocking).
SoilSpy Rosina
SOILSPY is the MoHo’s multichannel digital system for active and passive seismic surveys. A number of unique features make it a very special seismograph. The signal is amplified and digitized where it is produced and not at the end of long cables: this ensures better recording quality and, allied to a lightweight system, forms a novel approach appreciated by geophysicists. SOILSPY does not require external batteries and can record the signals with no time limits, which extends its applications well beyond seismic methods.
Electra is the MoHo’s digital system for geoelectrical surveys. A number of unique features make it a very special georesistivimeter. Acquisition times are considerably reduced due to the simultaneous acquisition on all channels and the use of alternate current. Weight, size and consumption are orders of magnitude lower than traditional systems. Data quality is improved due to signal digitization directly at the receivers and to data averaging techniques.
So far, continuous seismic monitoring has been performed at the few permanent seismic stations distributed across the territory. Acquiring the key parameters of the ground and/or structure motion during an earthquake or other excitations, in real time, is an increasing demand.
SURICAT is a cost-effective strong-motion accelerometer designed for permanent monitoring of structures: precise enough to provide information of engineering interest, cost-effective for being employed in extended networks.